I Will Be More Organized in 2017! - A New Year’s Resolution We Can Help With

Happy 2017!  

“Don’t count the days; make the days count.” ~Muhamad Ali

Being  more organized is one of the most common New Year’ resolutions. Is it on your list?
Better organization refers to a desire for this at home, as well as at work.  Let’s talk work life. How can we be more organized in our own spaces to increase our productivity and decrease stress?

There are several helpful articles below that may be beneficial to you and your team.

Debi Clark, of Go To Girl Organizing Solutions, a local Baltimore business, says:
"Sometimes we feel guilty organizing our offices because that’s time we could be spending on 'actual work', right?  Investing the time to organize your office will pay you back many times over in increased productivity and decreased stress levels."  
"Everything has a place and there is a place for everything.  An organized office does not have to look like a Martha Stewart photo shoot. Being able to put your hands on a file or piece of information within seconds should be the goal of any organizing system."

KS Solutions' Favorite Tips:

  1. Have a scratch pad on-hand - As things pop in your head, a co-worker shares information, etc., have one place to jot things down throughout the day. This offers less to remember and less time spent on trying to find “that” sticky note.
  2. De-clutter - Move things to drawers that you don’t use regularly, hide cords, have a physical in-box. This is good for your focus and organization.
  3. Take a picture – In lieu of having items on your desk that are simply for reference (like an ink cartridge or article) that take a picture with your smartphone.
  4. Use  email organization system -  As we know, email can be a huge time suck.  There are many systems out there to use email more efficiently  (see #5 below for one idea).
  5. To organize papers, Debi of Go To Girl Organizing Solutions suggests:

  • Set-up files into 3 separate categories: primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary files are the ones you need to access on a regular basis. Secondary files are ones you go to occasionally and tertiary files are seldom accessed. 
  • Use vertical file sorter and a few manila folders to get active papers up and off the desk, yet still within reach. She describes that a vertical file is just a pile, turned on its end. When labeled into folders, they are easier to see and to access.  
  •  Take 10 minutes before leaving the office each day to tidy up your desk.  It can really kick-start your motivation the next morning!  

There are times when you have too much to do regardless of how organized you are. KS Solutions offers support to mission-based organizations offering expertise and takes work off of your plate. We offer project management, organizational development, volunteer engagement, strategic planning and facilitated learning opportunities.  Contact us to see how we can assist you.

A Few Articles for You and Your Team:

  1. Five Simple Steps That Apply Order to Chaos -  Getting Things Done, David Allen
5. A Super-Efficient Email Process - Harvard Business Review  

~ Contact Kate for questions about how KS Solutions can help you and your team.
~ Check out Got To Girl to learn more about the organizing solutions offered.

Cheers to a productive 2017!

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