What can KS Solutions do for you?
We don’t just consult… we do the work for you to clear your plate for all of your other tasks and responsibilities. Trust us to get it done.
Civic Engagement
Engaging people in your cause by getting them interested and taking action through volunteer management, outreach and marketing (including use of social media and other helpful technology), public events, and training/workshops for staff and volunteers.
Resource Development
Gathering resources to support your cause through partnership development, grant writing and research, providing information on other initiatives that will support yours, developing innovative fundraising ideas, training/workshops for staff and board.
Some examples of how we can help:
Feel free to contact me anytime at kscherr@kssolution.com or 410-707-8807 to discuss a potential project.
The focus areas of KS Solutions are Civic Engagement and Resource Development.
Civic Engagement
Engaging people in your cause by getting them interested and taking action through volunteer management, outreach and marketing (including use of social media and other helpful technology), public events, and training/workshops for staff and volunteers.
Resource Development
Gathering resources to support your cause through partnership development, grant writing and research, providing information on other initiatives that will support yours, developing innovative fundraising ideas, training/workshops for staff and board.
Some examples of how we can help:
- Recruit, train, manage volunteers for you and/or teach you best practices including innovative ways to get the most from community and business volunteers
- Research grant opportunities for you and/or write grant proposals
- Make and implement an outreach plan - write your e-newsletter, manage your Twitter or Facebook accounts, help grow your email list, write press releases develop innovative and effective outreach methods for your cause
- Help plan an event - fundraise, coordinate vendors, market the event, manage volunteers
- Offer training and group facilitation on volunteer management, resource development and outreach/marketing.
- Lead meetings and facilitate group discussions between partners and potential partners working for similar causes.
Feel free to contact me anytime at kscherr@kssolution.com or 410-707-8807 to discuss a potential project.